Have you been charged with Sexual Battery?
Call Now 419-830-7441
Do you need an attorney?
Yes, you do. A charge of Sexual Battery in the State of Ohio is a felony which can pack incredibly serious and far-reaching consequences. A charge of Sexual Battery not only carries the possibility of prison time, but the mere accusation of a sex crime can irreparably harm a person’s reputation. A conviction also carries the hefty price of sex offender registration.
If you are charged or accused of sexual battery, you need an attorney who has experience in sex crime defense. Get in touch right away to find what you can do right away to avoid negative impact to your reputation and your liberty. The consultation is free.
What is Sexual Battery?
The Ohio Revised Code defines Sexual Battery in R.C. 2907.03. The entire statute is too lengthy to quote here. Sexual Battery is usually charged when someone engages in "sexual conduct" with another when the victim is coerced, substantially impaired, or the offender is in a position of authority. The statute lays out the specific instances which can be charged as the list above is not exhaustive.
What can you do?
Call now at 419-830-7441 for a free consultation. If you, or someone you care about, are being investigated and/or charged with sexual battery or any other sex offense in Toledo or the surrounding areas, a prompt and confidential consultation with a qualified attorney will help. Steps need to be taken at once to address these charges before they spin out of control. Contact Brian C. Morrissey, Attorney at Law, right away at 419-830-7441 to set up a free consultation.